THIS IS MINE :D:D:D:D i bought this magasines and DVD

New pics :D and i will try to get them :D 



NEW pic :D



This one was so gorgoues i want it now!!!! I totally love that amazing new pic of LAD :O:O:O anyone that got it?????

As you all can see the blog is now up running again :D i have totally missed it so that's one of the reason why im back here, the other reason is that its way to hot to stay in side in front of the computer and that i am working and very bissy for the moment. AND YES OF COURSE I HAVE NOTICED THAT ALL MY BIG FANS HAVE LEFT MY BLOG, AND FOR THAT IM SORRY IT WAS MY FAULT THAT NEVER MADE UPDATES, BUT AS I SAID THE PAGE IS NOW UP RUNNNG AGAIN SO THAT MEANS I NEED MY VISITORS BACK :D

As you all can see the blog is now up running again :D i have totally missed it so that's one of the reason why im back here, the other reason is that its way to hot to stay in side in front of the computer and that i am working and very bissy for the moment. AND YES OF COURSE I HAVE NOTICED THAT ALL MY BIG FANS HAVE LEFT MY BLOG, AND FOR THAT IM SORRY IT WAS MY FAULT THAT NEVER MADE UPDATES, BUT AS I SAID THE PAGE IS NOW UP RUNNNG AGAIN SO THAT MEANS I NEED MY VISITORS BACK :D

PICS sorry for not being here :)

if i get the time later this evening pics will come
From Diagnotice Murder wich i ahev not seen only a clip with wrong sound

Hello Sunshines! I miss you and this blog so very much ♥
It's time for me to stand up! stand up for this great blog about the great actress Lesley-Anne Down and not be offline so much like i've been latly :O and did you people know that the chance to be in the contest for LAD call is over, you need to wait like me now for the winner:)
Here is a very sweet and wonderful song by Sarah Brightman
I've seen the light
And I've seen the flame
And I've been this way before
And I'm sure to be this way again
For I've been refused
And I've been regained
And I've seen your eyes before
And I'm sure to see your eyes again
For I've been released
And I've been regained
And I've sung my song before
And I'm sure to sing my song again
Some people got to laugh
Some people got to cry
Some people got to make it through
By never wondering why
Some people got to sing
Some people got to sigh
Some people never see the light
Until the day they die
But I've been released
And I've been regained
And I've been this way before
And I'm sure to be this way again
One more time again
Just one more time

Here is a very sweet and wonderful song by Sarah Brightman
I've seen the light
And I've seen the flame
And I've been this way before
And I'm sure to be this way again
For I've been refused
And I've been regained
And I've seen your eyes before
And I'm sure to see your eyes again
For I've been released
And I've been regained
And I've sung my song before
And I'm sure to sing my song again
Some people got to laugh
Some people got to cry
Some people got to make it through
By never wondering why
Some people got to sing
Some people got to sigh
Some people never see the light
Until the day they die
But I've been released
And I've been regained
And I've been this way before
And I'm sure to be this way again
One more time again
Just one more time