LesleyAnneDownBlogg goes on holiday, thank you all for following!

All my wishes! Peace and Love!
Seven days of grace

Soap opera queen!

The most beautiful photo ever made of Lesley-Anne Down!

Did u know Lesley-Anne was on Dr Phil?
The Dr. Phil show | ![]() |
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SOD: Would you like to become friends with Robin McGraw?
Lesley-Anne: I don't know about that, Lesley-Anne chuckels. Robin has a private jet and zooms around everywhere and I don't like flying particulary. I wouldn't be a very good friend because I would be saying, I'm not going with you Robin. I'm not getting on that jet.
We shared a brief reunion since Robin guest appearance. Robin was promoting her book on the Dr Phil show and they had a little vignette of her being on B&B, smiles Lesley-Anne. They brought me on as a sort of surprise for her and it was quite fun actually, but I have to say it was a little early for me. I was in false eyelashes at 4:30 in the morning. / LesleyAnneDown.com By Gea!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YStzBHOWWk Here is the video for Dr Phil!

Also I just heard Season 8 is avaible for purchase OMG! :D And today i won a Swedish contest from a magasine, i won Season 7 on DVD and a Autographed photo of Jesse Williams who plays Dr Jackson Avery! OMG i was so happy! I'm so addicted to Grey's Anatomy! It's my drug for sure to watch that show! I will show the autograph and that later, here is the season...

Things you might not know about Lesley-Anne Down:
1. Down was offered the role of Rachel Mcadams mother in "Wedding Crashers" Kathleen, But had to turn it down due to the work schedule at The bold and the beautiful, the role went to Jane Seymour!

2. Lesley-Anne Down has been offered many, many roles in films and soaps that today are very big in Sweden in particular, but turns them all down, reason? She wants to live as normal as possible, like everyone else, being able to go out walk with her dog, be with her son and husband, do normal things, B&B (The Bold and the beautiful) s schedule gives her the chance to live a normal life, she is done with being away for months from home doing movie after movie, meet her family like once a month, so she turn filmoptions down and only keep going with B&B, she still accepts roles in films sometimes, but not that often as she used to do!
It makes us a little bit of upset, we would love her to accept much filmrols so that we kan keep collect many films, but it's so much better she is happy with her life and gets what she wants out of it! a healthy way to live, the way she lives now, who wants to be away for years doing the same thing over and over again when they can live like eveyone else! I so understand her ecision
3. Down was offered the role in James Bond films three times, she turned down all of them, in those days it was very bad reputation to say yes to such movies, it would have given her a bad reputation in the career she says ...

Some other films/series sthe turned down was: Winds Of War mini-series, Bad Timing, today she regret she turned the rolls down...

4. . When Lesley-Anne separated from her husband, film director William Friedkin, he put dektektiver to stalk her! Lesley-Anne, Donald (now husband), he's dauthers Season and Juliana and Downs son Jack all had to hide!, She and them had to hide at Elizabeth Taylors house when her husband went crazy, he tried to take Lesley away from Jack, their son together, Liz taylor that was her best girlfriend always stood up for Lesley-Anne she was one of he most kindest to LAD!! Lesley was then going through a custody battle in court if their common today 27 year old son Jack, Lesley won the dispute ... That time of life, was a hell for Lesley-Anne, she was so afraid and sad! Today she is happy again!

5. Lesley-Anne hatar hates to be called Les....'
6. According to a magasine with quotes, Lesley-Anne says Jesus spoke to her "I saw and was spoken to by jesus when i was 10. Yes, i was awake, and i was too young for hallucinations...
7. Lesley-Anne: "if it weren't for those damn man, i'd be a lesbian"
8. When Lesley-Anne was little She could read and write at a secondgrade level by the time she was only 4 year old! Her dad taught her how!

9. Lesley-Anne HATED kissing Gordon Thomsom one of the actors in Sunset Beach that was on Swedish televison in the 19th!

10. When Lesley-Anne was 12 years old she run away from home, she went to Manchester where she started modelling and acting!

11. Lesley-Annes turbulent past wasn't easy this is a funny quote " I am past the "mass murderer" stage of my hormonal journey! "Thank god," my husband Don, says"

12. Lesley-Anne has a sister called Angela Down that is a teacher, and If Lesley-Anne woudln't been a actress she would also wanted to be a teacher!

13. Both Lesley-Anne and her sister Angela Down started modelling at the age of 10, Lesley-Anne was voted Britain's most beautiful teenager at the age of fifteen in the 1970! and after that she won several beautycontests!

14. Lesley-Ann has been offered many roles 4 her talent, but in the begin of her career she was offered roles after her beauty!

15. When Lesley-Anne was playing pregnent in the daytime soap Sunset Beach, the star was actually pregnent! She had to take time off to give birth to George, she was at the time 43 years old!

16. After divorcing Wiliam Friedkin, he started to send out rumours about Lesley-Anne taking drugs and having sex all the time! Lesely-Anne speaks about to a magasine and says " A life of sex and drugs? NOT ME!" Lesley-Anne was suddently in every magasine with gossips telling how a bad wife she was!

17. After doing North and South miniserie that are worldwide famous gossips about Patrick Swayze and Lesley-Anne having an affair was leaking in every magasine, the gossips was FALSE! Patrick truly loved Lisa and would never do such a thing...

18. Down was nominated for a Golden Globe Awards in the best perfomance by an actress in a supporting role in a miniserie or television movie category in 1985 for North and South!

19. Lesley-Anne Downs was very famous after doing Upstars Downstairs (Herrskap & Tjänstefolk) Upstairs Downstairs was her breakthrough in Sweden, everyone talked about Sweet Georgina Worsley wich was her role in the show! paperdolls and lots of articles and magasines was in the stores with Georgina on! and then every filmdirector offered her roles! after doing North and South she became even more famous in Sweden, she was suddently on every cover of several magasines in Sweden, and in other countries the talk about North and south and all actors from it seemed to never stop! she was in many "OKEJ" magasines! you can still read people's blogs and websites as they discuss how much idolcards it was with just her and of course the other acotrs! But Parick Swayze and Lesley-Anne was the most famous after! Today i would say that you hear more about Kirstie Alley that played Virgillia Hazards, but it's more talks about her weight! Here u can see some magasines...sorry cant show pics of Swedish magasine yet, but will one day... cant find my camera and take a photo 4 you, and lots of magasine was beofore i was even born, so i have more heard of it from my parents and grandfathers and mothers then i've seen of it...A pity but the truth!

20. After doing B&B and turning so many roles down Lesley-Anne lost her celebrity status in Sweden, people still know her name and how famous she were but she in not in every magasine anymore and not on everyones mind... Some don't even know who she is anymore those born on 2000 Defenitly not know about her anymore...IN SWEDEN, other countries still have her in their minds all the time....
21. Lesley-Anne Down is one of the TV world's most industrious and successful actress, according to many newspapers in Sweden and abroad, and other actor judges of any kind!

22. Lesley-Anne was diagnoticed with Breast cancer 2009 at the same time her friend from North And South Patrick Swayze got severe cancer! Lesley-Anne had a tuf time but didn't cry even once, she was told the surgury could wait, but she wanted the cancer removed right away, she removed both of her breast, she didn't have to remove them, but she wanted to be safe from getting the cancer back! She got rid of the cancer and are today healthy, her friend Patrick Swayze lost the long fight against cancer 2010! A sad time for us all and definitly Lesley-Anne and the other actors that was in North & South with him! Lesley-Anne started a cancerhelp foundation after Patrick Lost the fight and are today very involvd with helpclubs for cancer!

Simpler facts that you may not know about Lesley-Anne:
1. Lesleys favorite actor is Dumbo the elephant! and actress cinderella, her favorite movie is Bambi.

2. Lesley-Anne is most afraid to die of thirst!

3. Lesley-Annes favorite singer is Frank Sinatra

4. Lesley-Annes favourite book is the bible!

5. Nobody knows Lesley-Anne can juggle! ;)

6. Lesley-Anne used to smoke a lot but quited!

7. Lesley-Annes biggest regrets are not having enough kids!, She loves kids!

8. Lesley-Anne HATES to travel!!!

9. Lesley-Anne gets most compliments for her face and legs! Lesley-Anne never liked her legs but she get's compliments for them allt he time!

10. Lesley-Anne feels more beautiful when she is thin! "You have to choose to have a beautiful face or a beautiful body she says to a magasine"... "IF you put on weights the face get's more compliments, but if you loose weight the body get's more compliments!"

11. Lesley-Anne thinks plastic surgury is right! When she was questioned if she ever had consider plastic surgury she said: "Bloody hell YES!" JUst to keep the face young not to change the look she was born with
12. Lesley-Anne thinks Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt is the most beautiful celebrity!

13. Lesley-Anne loved to dress up like Cruella DeVill in Sunset Beach fantasys by Annie Douglas (Sarah Buxton) but wearing the skirts, savagly tight bodices and corsetts in serie North and South was HORRIBLE!

14. Downs career started off with some intense roles she LOVED to forget... when she was between 15-18 virtually every film she made, her carachter was raped... a quote from her about being raped in films "Can you imagine, including rehearsals i was raped proberly 56 times by the time i was 18" traumatic and horrible she says...

15. Peter Sellers is the most funniest actors Lesley-Anne has ever played with!

16. Lesley-Anne was like a huge fan, juzt like us when she had the chanse to be in the same film as John Whayne in "Brannigan" they didn't share any scenes together but it didn't matter, meeting such a legend was huge for her!

17. Lesleys son George saved hes hair for a cut to help hairless people those who was born without hair or those who lost their hard due to a disease!

18. Lesley-Anne kills small animals, she loves to babysitt cats and dogs and have some of her own, but she admits noone should let her babysit their fish, bunnies or turtles, "I Kill them with love" she says!

19. Lesley-Anne don't like her hair blonde at all, she think's she looks redicioles, but has to keep if cuz of B&B!

20. In the beginn of the career Lesley-Anne didn't mind taking her clothes off, she thoguht nude and naked bodies was so natural! today she have regrets like EVERY other actor and don't like all the nude pics that are allready up on internet!

21. Today you can ´read lot's of evil gossips about Lesley-Anne having lots of plastic surgurys! in the magasines in sweden... but only Lesley-Anne knows....Also she is often mentioned as the Soap Opera Queen, since she played in so many series and most of them are today very famous!
22. There is so much more to tell about Lesley-Anne, we'll save of for a next session!!! I'm tired OF writing now x)
Please keep send in thoughts and wishes about what kind of photos, information or facts you would like up on the blog about Lesley-Anne Down, i'll make it come true! Remeber one thing after reading this all, this is from magasines, internet, from other fans, from myself and from other sources! They are all true, but the sources can never be trusted 100% without question Lesley-Anne directly, but most of the facts is taken directly from interviews and based on real facts! But any detail here o there may be slightly adjustable what we know ....
Send by comment here on blogg.se or my fb: [email protected] or my e-mail: [email protected] Remember my lifetime collection is huge! i may have photos that u search for, that today is gone!

New aritcle from LesleyAnneDown.com by Gea

blog is under reconstruction
New pics!

After Sunset Beach Lesley-Anne Down from Swedish magasine "Klick'"
Gregory's wife, Olivia Richards - the alcohol decentralized woman who became pregnant with her daughter's husband Cole - Creative founded by British Lesley-Anne Down. Soap opera queen is now 57 old, and now perhaps best known for the stubborn surgery rumors circulating about her. Lesley-Anne has played the role of Jacueline Payne Marone in the series "Glamour" since March 2003 and also had several small film roles on this side of the century. The latest was the thriller "Rosewood Lane" 2011 Lesley-Anne Down wedges firmly with movie mogul Don Fauntleroy - her third husband in the ranking and has two sons Gregory, Edward, 14, and Jack, 29.

Gregorys hustru Olivia Richards - den alkoliserade kvinnan som blev gravid med dotterns make Cole - gestaltades av brittiska Lesley-Anne Down. Såpopera Drottningen är idag 57 gammal och numera kanske mest känd för de envisa plastikrykterna som cirkulerar kring henne. Lesley-Anne har spelat rollen som Jacueline Payne Marone i serien " Glamour" sedan mars 2003 och även haft flera mindre filmroller på den här sidan av seklet. Den senaste var thrillern "Rosewood Lane" 2011 Lesley-Anne down kilar stadigt med filmmogulen Don FauntLeroy - hennes tredje make i ränkningen- och har sönerna Gregory- Edward, 14 och Jack, 29.
Blog is currently down!

In the Devil's Garden
The Creepers
Tower of Terror
Directed by Sidney Hayers
Writers: John Kruse, Kendal Young (Novel)
May 1973
Suzy Kendall ... Julie West
Frank Finlay ... Det. Chief Supt. Velyan
Freddie Jones ... Reporter
James Laurenson ... Greg Lomax
Lesley-Anne Down ... Tessa Hurst
Tony Beckley ... Leslie Sanford
Anthony Ainley ... Mr. Bartell
Dilys Hamlett ... Mrs. Sanford
James Cosmo ... Det. Sgt. Beale
Patrick Jordan ... Sgt. Milton
Allan Cuthbertson ... Coroner
Anabel Littledale ... Susan Miller
Tom Chatto ... Police Doctor
Kit Taylor ... Doctor
Jan Butlin ... Day Receptionist
I bought this swedish magasine a while ago!

I'ts LesleyAnne as Georgina Worsley from Upstairs Downstairs!
This is one of the most beautiful magasine i've ever seen with LAD

North and South from Lesley-Anne Down FB!

New LOVELY pixs!

New great article from LesleyAnneDown.Com by Gea!

Lesley-Anne Down

Updates found by Adyna!
Lesley Anne Down, John McCook "The Bold and the Beautiful" Set CBS Television City Los Angeles 7/10/08 ©Aaron Montgomery/jpistudios.com 310-657-9661 Episode # 5380 U.S. Airdate 8/19/08 ©Aaron Montgomery/jpistudios.com

Wishing everyone a great weekend!