Lesley-Anne Down in old horror "Nomads" with Pierce Brosnan!
All these photos are amazing and great quality! it's from the movie Nomads, a old "horror" not that scary! it's more about the people that are called "nomads" they do exsist in real life! here is a trailer of the film: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2USf4tJEbhM Lesley-Anne get's attacked by Pierece Brosnan in the hospital and then have to relive everything he has been through cuz of the words he whispers in her ears before he dies!!
Lesley-Anne Down caught with no makeup! still as beautiful!!!

Magasine with Liz Taylor & Lesley-Anne Down ebay!

LesleyAnneDown and Gregory Fawcett on set of "Of god and kings"

Have a fab weekend everyone!

Twittpic by Gea!

Hello! Blog will return soon!

I won the dress of Jackie (Lesley-Anne Down) Our superlady of B&B

Sooo happy!!!
Lesley-Anne Down is done filming Of God And Kings!

Lesley-Anne Down! Articles
Also yesterday she responded to me about hat's, she really love hat's, like i do!

Tweetpic by Gea! Article from TV Soap!

Have a beautiful easter ♥ AMAZING and HUGE photos up!
Happy Easter everyone! ♥

All the photos are amazing, she is soo amazing and beautiful!
From LADs twitter! :D

"Back in the costume lots of lovely horses 2day. Hot poor things wish I was skiing0 xoxo"
New photos from ebay!

Hello everyone!
A friend of mine from Skåne was to Stockholm over the weekend! Have traveled by bus through half of Sweden, it feels like, we have shown him around everywhere! and had not slept for many hours at all since we been at it every day! We had a great time, now it's back to reality! I work night all week! Hope everyone out there has that wonderful, please write E-mail and wish images, my archives are very large, not the size of GEA (Runner of LesleyAnneDown.com), but big!!! My e-mail [email protected]
New photo from LADS twitter! Miss you all!