Lesley-anne down as young:

here are much much familyphotos of LAD

Lesley and her parents:

Lesley and her husbund Don E Fauntleroy:

Lesley and her pets/animals:

Lesley and her babys:

Lesley and her stepdaughters:

some of the pics here are not right beacuse all this is not just her stepdaughters but its's hard to switch some pics to the right rubric so i let them stay under this text even knowing it's on the wrong area
Lesley and her sons:

Halloween 2008

pics from "Family of cops"
I havent really seen this movie either when i was about to buy it on the internet it got outsold so then the movie was not longer avaible to get so i missed the last chanse sad for me :(
Unfortenaly the pics i was about to load up didn't work the blog forbidded me to show them here because of the format didn't match :/
Pics from "Brannigan" with John Waynh
This movie makes me remeber how happy i where when i first found it on Megastore in Stockholm^^ it was my wery first movie With lesley-anne down =) i was so exited about to come home and see it. when i watched it it turned out to only be one scene with lesley-anne down :O i was so dissepointed i had waited a long time, and then she was only in the movie for about 3 minutes but i guess it was a easy start because then i started to find movies where the roles just got bigger and bigger!
and i think she gets raped so the scene was not really something to enjoy but my moviecollection with her did at least grow :D
this pic covered the backside of the DVDfodral
photos from "The Beastmaster 3"
i haven't seen Beastmaster but i want to see it! cause it seem good!
more new pics from ebay and sites like that

There is a lots of new pics of LAD from LADS facebook but to show my respect i never upload pics from her facebook because it may be personal otherwish she would let even unmembers see them so just so you know
My own made photoshoppics of lad
Sunset Beach pictures

this pic is amazing i havent seen it ever before well i have seen the pic of lesley anne before because i know she wwears a beautiful pink dress but this banner or wallpaper i havent seen before so im happy now

this show was totally AMAZING GOOD!!!!!! bad for all of you who didn't see the soap are bad out because it was soooo good!!!!

Pictures of lesley-anne down from different roles

Lesley-anne down and her husbund Don E Fauntleroy

Lesley-anne down looks adoreble

From a Rough Cut

from a Newspaper

From the miniserie North And South

Lesley-anne down looks so happy :D

An actually fun episode of The Bold And The Beautiful

Upstairs Downastairs reunion

if you look closer you can find two pics of lesley.-anne down and patrick swayze when she wears a blue dress and hold on Patrick Swayze from the miniserie North And South by John Jakes

GOD im so happy 5 new pics of Lesley that i haven't seen ever before :)

More new pics to enjoy

This blog is based on The Star Lesley-Anne DOwn and got LOTS OF PHOTOS just check in you won't be dissipointed!!!

Lesley on the golden rose awards

Lesley-Anne Down and her CO star from the North Ánd South

This movie i got it was a bit like an old movie but i liked it anyway because it had the exitens

This is how she looks in the Night Trap movie"

i have seen this pic before just not this version of it.

A banner

A new pic from the hanover street

The Bold And The Beautiful

New Pics

from the halloween 2009 dressed up like a cat
New pictures to my collection :D

my internet stopt to work but now im in, here are much photos from differnet things
here are a lots of photos from different magazines where she have been on the cover:

all of these covers has i saved by internet on my computer but i don't own any of it :'(

and these two are the only cover of lesley-anne down i have :'( sweden does never write about lesley-anne down im sure she was on much covers many years ago when she was in her new role as madeline fabray in "the NOrt And South" miniserie but i was to yóung to be able to want pictures of her, so now i just wish that i lived in other contries so that i could read about my favourite actress every day like all the fans in other countries can :'(
Pictures o LAD will you see now if you scroll down much new photos to enjoy!

A atographed photo of LAD

a Picture i saved from Youtube.com

A picture saved from ebay where i always save new pictures from

Lesley-anne down som Cloe as a gueststar in THE NANNY

Picthures of LAD as Stephenie Rogers in DALLAS 6 episodes

The bold and the beautiful