The bold and the beautiful "Glamour" as we call the show in sweden is a very popular show for the most peaople in different countries, and i also know that more than half of her fans, she got by her comeback in the famous show The Bold And The Beautiful, but for me it was diffrent i didn't start to like her when she entert the famous BB i first saw her on Sunset Beach where she played the amazing role as olivia blake richards, and i must say that every sense that i have always adored her and i so love her. and i think the most people do :) she plays so good in every kind of movie, the only thing i can find enoing is some sound of her voice in some old movies where all girls have some sound on there voices but that is mostly because i don't like that sound at all not even if lesley is using that sound. but any more bad things about her i can't come up with except the fact that she is very bad at doing new movies i think the most of her fans would jump of happiness if she planned to make an new movie, get more more famous and the movie would be at the bio and biograph and she would cover all the newspaper GOD WHAT A DREAM xD i just still wait for it to appear and become reallity ;) and i don't have the channel to watch BB so i look at it on youtube. but not very often its kinda little of time but i have 20 movies, have seen the whole soap sunset beach, and have upstairs downstairs and north and south so i am kind of satisfied but i would have love to also have the channel, but i still dont think i would have the time to follow the show so its kind of better this way it are, now i dont even need to think about it and feel angry every day when i misses episodes form the show ;) if you get my point here? ;) 

Postat av: Peter
Hej Rebecca!
Jag har varit en fan av Lesley-Anne sedan 1975 och jag måste säga att jag har aldrig sett en så fantastisk samling bilder av henne som du har på din blogg. Kul också att se att hon har andra svenska fans.
Ha det bra!