i will give you much photos from the bold And the beautiful now so just scroll down and see yourself!
but before you get the photos i need to tell you that the rest of my blog was first written in swedish so if you scroll much down you will see that tha languages is not english so you want be able to read but don't worry from now i will always write in engslish so that english people can read what i write so please don't stop visiting just beacuase i begann with swedish writting because now i will try my best to write good english but i can't promisse you it will be coorect but i think you understand beacuse english is not my languages! s thats why it may suck!!!

lesley-anne down in the tub with i forgot his name just for the moment but im sure you regnonice him wery well!

lesley-anne down in the tub with i forgot his name just for the moment but im sure you regnonice him wery well!
