I lost something for a couple of days ago and for that im so sad :( i lost the game! i did my everything and did loose anyway!
And now even if im not satisfied i wanna thank Gea Vermeulen for her kindness and help with the Fanclub, LEsley-Anne Down and Gea VErmeulen and Don E Fauntleroy is working so great together! and they make our day! they pay so much attention to us fanclubmembers that it aces in our heads! THis is something other people dream of with their idols, and for us LADfans the dream has come through! We are such involved in Lesley-Annes Life that i sometimes wake up and just think a bit for myself this can't be reality?! but it is! and i think we all are wery greatful for that and a BIG THAK YOU!
From Lesley-Annes FB The two sweet ladies LEsley-Anne and Gea :D
And now even if im not satisfied i wanna thank Gea Vermeulen for her kindness and help with the Fanclub, LEsley-Anne Down and Gea VErmeulen and Don E Fauntleroy is working so great together! and they make our day! they pay so much attention to us fanclubmembers that it aces in our heads! THis is something other people dream of with their idols, and for us LADfans the dream has come through! We are such involved in Lesley-Annes Life that i sometimes wake up and just think a bit for myself this can't be reality?! but it is! and i think we all are wery greatful for that and a BIG THAK YOU!
