Thank you <3
this pics actually a friend on facebook gave me by giving me the link so a big herat for her kindness :D here you have totally new pics, well they might be old but for me they are brand new :D
Here are a bit info about the pics and what they mean to me :)
this pics are from the movie The Besty and my personal reaction after seeing this movie is, god whata a bad movie, but i think i was in a rush that day, i may see it again to like it, i was not in the mood for that movie that day, because it's not very often i think a movie with LAD sucks! xD so it must have been something wrong with me, but then again i also thought that movie was a bit old and i had no subtitle and did not even understand it.
this pics may be familier to all BB fans, for me it's brand new, i have no thoughts abpout it, except that i would love this two couple to be together again in THe Bold And The Beautiful :D
This pic are from Brannigan with John Wayne, it was my FIRST movie with lesley-anne down i was so happy that day and wanted to come home to be able to see it and do you wanna know what happend? Lesley-Anne DOwn was only in the movie for one scen xD i guess i needed a soft start but i was so down after knowing she was only for one scen :(
I So like this couple why can't they be together in BB these days?
This are from the movie Rough Cut i have actually allready seen this pic but not the movie :(
a totally new pic thanks
thios movie is brilliant i totally love it so amazing '
god" those pics givs me so much memories
of when o saw this movie at the very first time
a scary moment in this movie for Down :O
like this pics
i have seen this lovely pic of Down before :)