My personal blog
Hello all LaDfans i have dezided to start the blog about me again, i wont give it as much attention as this blog, but will try blog some times a week. =) please start follow both of the blogs :) i will give you the address when i ahve start it up again :)
It's just one HELL of a problem, the blog about me wont be on english im sorry for that, maybe i will try make it both on swedish and english but it takes more effort then, so maybe you can just look at the pics but i will think of it and dezide later wich languages the blog will be on.

I don't remeber how to change the design on my own blog so i will be stuck with the one i'v allready got.
It's just one HELL of a problem, the blog about me wont be on english im sorry for that, maybe i will try make it both on swedish and english but it takes more effort then, so maybe you can just look at the pics but i will think of it and dezide later wich languages the blog will be on.

I don't remeber how to change the design on my own blog so i will be stuck with the one i'v allready got.