My beautiful swedish article about Lesley-Anne and the rest of the cast of North and South

This is a article from "Frida" I's about the beautiful girls from "North and South" by John Jake, the famous mini-serie that got famous all around the world when it first appeared on television... I love this article, it's amazing reading and amazing photos of all the great actresses! Sadly it's much gossip about Lesley-Anne Down taking drugs, having lot's of sex, and being wild and a terrible wife... Well the things you heard about her might be true.. but then again, it could be as fake as the bitch who told you... Anyway i really hope you all enjoy these photos, because i'm the only one having them! i have the 2 and only ones... I thought sharing was a nice thing to do, for all the wonderful fans!..  It's from a swedish magasine ....

Postat av: Jordon

Ummm. Not really sure what any of this says, seeing as I only actually speak English. But from what I can tell this magazine made a mistake. The character that Genie Francis played was Brett. Wendy Kilbourne was Constance.

2011-11-01 @ 00:10:28

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