Banners i made for some months ago :)

PICS one new and the rest are old but anyway


My new banners hope you like them :D it took very, very much effort xD

More pics from articles part 3 :D

Thats all from articles for today mroe later in the week :)

A Totally new pic :D have never seen it before :D Thank you so much Suzanne Bouman

A Totally new pic :D have never ever seen it before :D Thank you so much Suzanne Bouman!!! You are the best!!!

Will go for Norrtälje now and will continue When i get back home :)

¨More Pics from articles Part 2 :) enjoy, more will come!

Pics from articles :) enjoy

Much more will show up soon this is the first ones :) and my new homemade banners will shop up also in some minutes :)


helt nya underbara bildet tack Gea! du finner dem på


I was planning on bloging this night but the time was gone, so tomorrow much new pics of LAD will shop up here, well they are not really new but maybe for some of you :)
I have had a really ncie week see some of the pics under below :) This is me for those of you who don't know how i look like :)

New banner made by Jordan Leigh Chartiers :)


Will leave Norrtälje for this week and blog about LAD much more next weekend and the whole week after hope you hear from me very soon and that i hear from you very soon to :d

Did you know that Lesley-Annes son George was in a Hairdonation???

Did you know that Lesley-Anne Downs son George was in a hairdonation for some months ago? she and he letted hes hair grow until it was long, just to give for the hariless sick people, i think Lelsey-Anne Down and her family is suxh caring, and i love when stars do donations and tries to share their power with the rest of the world :D keep going that way Lelsey.Anne and George, and don't you all think George was a bit cute in that very long hair? ;)

New pics, not new for me but they might be new to you :)

Hi! All the Lesley-Anne Down fans, how are you? i mis all of you so much, i miss the time i usually have for this blog, but now have not have, i will try to keep blog as much as i can and as fast as i get the internet i will blog every evening for your sake :) hope you like all my new banners i made exspecially for you fans, it took a lots of effort to made them, please leave cooments, E-mail, or messages on fabebook of what you think iof them :) I don't have the time now to comment all the pics i have put up here so visit my blog later to nigth or in this weekend that soon is here, to read my comments but until then just look and enjoy the pic i just have shared with you fans :)

I have created some more new banners

You should all know that some of the pics in the banners are from The Lesley-Anne Down fanclub well to get them you need to become a member in lesley-Anne Downs fanclub, and then you can buy some of them, they are avaible for phurcase for fan club members only.
These banners is a banner of all the covers i have seen with Lesley-Anne Down enjoy :D

These are a beautiful banner of Lesley-Anne downs many beautiful faces :DThese are some older pics from lesley-Anne Downs halloween from some year ago, and i must say that i think her dressing was the best this year of what i have seen, the red she had 2008 was lovely to, but these one was the coolest on her and it looks like Lesley-Annes husbund Don tries to look like Elvis or who? xD :D :DDid you know that Lesley-Anne Downs son was in a hairdonation for some months ago?


i will publish more photos this evening :)


Have not found any new pics of Lelsey-Anne Down yet, but will keep searching for new beautiful pics, of her, have a great and wonderful week, i love all of you :D


Love this pics of her

NeW :D

Today i will leave Norrtälje again wich means in clean english that i wont have the internet at the studenthome, so i just have to show pics i found on internet in school, and then again in the weekends a lots of pics will come up again on this beautiful blog :D

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