NOW MY NEW BEAUTIFUL BANNERS :D promisse me to leave comments of what you think of them!
This pic has nothing to to with the banner just tried to put the other big ones more down the page because they did not show the whole in other way
I made those ones for a week ago and im proud thís time, the first one is the most beautiful i tried to take a pic of every role Lesley-Anne Down has played and then put them all together in just one pic :D hope you like them all of you :D And the other one i just made out of nothing in mind.
i will now mention all the films that was in the first banner i made:
* Beastmaster 3
* The Kings Guard
* Brannigan
* Death Wish 5/V "The Face Of Death"
* Family of cops
* Night Walk
* Arch of triumph
* Hannover street
* Pope Joan
* Ringaren i Notre Dame
* Schalwag
* Sin Un Adios
* Sphinxs
* The betsey
* The last day of pompeii
* The meeksvillle ghost
* The One And Only orginal philley diexy
* Den rosa pantern slår till igen/The pink panter strikes again
* Indiscreet
* Meet wally sparks
* Munchie Strikes back
* Seven days of grace
* The great train robbery
* The secret agent club
* Young hearts unlimited
* Rough cut
* Heartbreak house
* Assault
* Countess dracula
* From beoynd the grave
* Murder is easy
* Night trap
* Nomads
* To lay a ghost
* Behind closed doors
* Ladykillers
* Over the line
* The perfect wife
* You belong to me
And some other films i don't have the exactly name of, and this is not all of LADs movies, so you can all realize Lesley-Anne has a lot's of movies behind her.
Lesley-Anne Down and Her husbunds!
Anyway Im so sory Lesley-Anne Down for those pics of him! please if they upset you to much tell me, and i remove them, because i love you so much as a actress and a friend, but i just want everyone to see all beautiful pics of you, but then again just tell me and i rempove them.
Lesley-Anne Down and Bruce Robinson:

Lesley-Anne Down and William Friedkin, i wont talk much about it, it was a hard time for Lesley-Anne down, so it's just harder for us all to be in the need to hear about it again, but read this and you all know a bit of what it was about, but im sure all of you allready know about this senario. Also in the end i will show a article from swedish "DAM" magasine" she was in a interwiue where she spoke about this horrible fight for winning her own son Jack. It was not a good life at the time, and it was my first sweidish article with LAD :D

i don't actually think this is william?

Lesley-Anne DOwn and her husbund Donald E Fauntleroy that she is married with now, they are so happy together and i don't think they weill ever leave each other wich is very good, Don is such a good husbund that deservs LEsley-Anne for 100 % and im glad that he isn't like William and all other bad men out there.

i was asked from the girl Reeghyy to upload pics of Lesley-Anne Downs son jack here:
I was asked from the girl Reghee to upload pics of Lesley-Anne Downs son jack and her life in the house at home, the more private pics to say so here you ahve them :) its from her life and her family and you can always see the older boy in the pics thats jake as you sure know allready.
Lesley-Anne Down and her family

Lesley-Anne Down from the Halloween from 2008 at home

This is a photo from the Halloween from this year 2009 it was avaible for phurcase for fanclubmembers only for some months ago i think, don't know about now, but anyway you have to join LesleyAnneDowns fanclub to be able to buy her lovely photos. Lesley-Anne Down was dressed up like a cat as you all can see.

For those of you that have never seen pics of Lesley-Anne Down and her parents here you have this lovely pics of her and her beautiful parents. it's not very often åics of her parents haven been published it's somthing you get to see more of if you join the fanclub like i did. i whis i could find more pics of them on internet :D

Lesley-Anne DOwn with lawyer and her son

Lesley-Ann Down at her home in Malibu "kalifornien" :D


Lesley- Anne Down
Now the banner i made worked :D hope you like it, even thought it's a little to nude

a little to nude maybe, but i made this banner i hope you like it,
the banner i was making did not work on this blogg, all that effort for nothing gaaaaaa
This really is LAD just very young!

Goodnight Love Ya!

Lesley-Anne Down and the lovely pets,

As i said i have started to re-see the whole North And South, damn it's so good!
Just because i have been having a typical North And South week i think im gonna give you North And South pics enjoy the beautiful Patrick Swayze and teh beautiful Lesley-Anne Down and all the beautiful dresses :D
This is actually a Sunset Beach pic just in the wrong album but i bid of that xD the one about the eyes have it
Some banners made by jordan leigh chartiers, she is so good love her pics and i lvoe her =)
More Sunset Beach Pics :) hope you like them :)
We all loved the Sunset Beach serie, and those who didn't they were just fools ;D i wish i had the chanse to resee it, the whole serie i so feel in love with the show, miss it to much!
But the pics never die :D
Well actually they did!, not many of the pics im about to upload is left on internet, no! actually i am the one holding the ones that used to be on internet so i hope you like the sharing part ;)
The Beautiful cast of The Sunset Beach
im sick of uploading these now beacue i have to scroll down ALL the time to get to the pics i ahve not put on the blog before, so i keep tomorrow with them and coninues with other beautiful pics of LElsey-A nne Down is
some bad photoshoping pics by me xD

You wanna see the pics from earlier months?????????????
Februari 2010 and scroill down the whole page to see it all slowly and then you click on
Januari 2010 and then
December 2009 and then
November 2009 and then
Oktober 2009
because i have been running this page afor a long time now and just because the pics dissaperar from the frontpage it doesn't mean the pics are gone at all just click on earlier months.
You find the months im talking about on the right side where the drwaen lines are ;=)

More Sunset Beach

before ill go to bed ill try to put up more sunset beach pics, if i don't have the time i will tomorrow instead

New banners made by Jordan Leigh Chartiers!
Jordan Leigh chartiers made this beautiful banners for my blog, isn't she amazing, this banners are totally lovely, thank you Jordan so, so much! :D


Now i have to leave for Uppsala, sorry! will keep post lots of pics from Sunset Beach when i get home. until then have a good week.