The first one is a beautiful banner that Jordan also made, i published this now here because i really love this one :D it's the magazines i put into one pic. The magasine where it says Frida that one is lovely i got that one from a great store me and my sister are totally crazy about, they sell out old magasines from everywhere and that's why im able to find pics of Lesley-Anne Down at all, because these days sweden suck like hell on the publication with LAD. so i look for old ones, because she was much more in the magasines back in time :) 

Thank you very much Jordan for your beautiful banners, you are the greatest!

The banners are amazing :O


I have not had the chance to be connected to internet at all have just been on my studenthome and cleaning because this week i move out from there because it is holidays in about a week. In the weekend there is this chat with Lesley Anne Down that all of us fans has been looking forward for i hope the chat goes well and that almost everyone get their answers from LAD right there and not after. In the weekend also i will publish lots of pics some news but mostly old ones that i have seen but you maybe not have seen take care everyone and SEE YA in the chat


This holidayweek has been so busy, and hectic.for that im sorry, have never been such bad of updating my blog, i apologize very deep. I'll try next weekend, and of course when im online in school and i'll see some new pics, i publish them,. but my own i'll publis later tonight or the next weekend, mabye both :)

Totally new pics :D

There is not so much new pics of Miss Down latly, sorry, but i have looked very much!

So... i'll give you some oldies again :)
i think we go for some moviepics :)

Here you have pics from the movei Schalwag :)

Im SorrY!!!!!

Im so sorry, for not updating this site as much as i used and should, it's just a lots of things going on in lfie right now, and not so much leftmtimes over for this. but will be better at this blog i promisse! HOW are you? im kind of fine. here is some new pics, i ahev seen it before but well maybe you have not.


There is no new pics, im sorry guys so i give you soem oldies, oldies are always nice to ;)

New banner made by Jordan thank you!

New pics from magazines not mine but i want them



Hello everyone! i hope you are doing fine, im not so fine, i miss my grandmother very, deeply much, there is SO, SO much i want to tell her, so much have happened since she past away only 72 years old, that's not even a age?! i want to tell her everything i have been trough this last months since January 2010. i try not to feel down anymore but it's hard to just let go, i have actually been able to keep this emotions about her death away, but some weeks the sadness returns and i have to feel like shit agaiN! last day i lost my wallet but i got it back fromt he busdriver at the end of the day, and everything was left in the wallet. i was so stuiped that forgot it on the bus, anyone could have taken it, so im so happy no one did! Is there anyone you people miss very much like i miss my grandmother, did someone you really loved die recently? If so... pelase write to me on facebook, it feels better to talk with someone that has gone trough the same hell as i have! [email protected] is the E-mail if you wanna connect with me! i would love to talk with you, and also use this E-mail to give comments of what you think of my blog about Lesley´-Anne Down,  there is one more thing i would have lvoe to tell granmother and that is that i actually have a connection to LAD now, grandmother didn't got to hear how much i have been doign like this blog for her and that, and my retry for the contest! that i wanted to tell her, that's one of the things :'(


New banners made by me :)

New clippings

Hello every LADfan!

I will now go off for a schoolweek, wich means not so much internet, but if i have the chanse in the school i will try publish some news about Lesley-Anne Down, and you can all put a happy smile on your faces, under the week i will make beautiful banners for the blog so if i wont be able in the week to show them on the blogg i will in the weekend, but i keep try under the week, love ya!!!

Pics Some new and some unnews

Lesley-Anne Down was so beautiful as a teenager!

New :D

Did you say it when you still could?

Did you say it?... I love you...
I don't ever wanna live without you...
You changed..My life...Did you say it?...
Make a plan... Set a goal. Work toward it.
But every now and then, look around.
Drink it in.
Cause....this is it.
It might all be gone tomorrow...................

This is such a strong sentences, i think we all should put our thinkings of this, take every moment with éachother like they were THE last, because they can be the last for some of us, and the last moment with the ones we love, we want them to be the best moment ever! beacuse when the person we love are gone and we are left, it's the last moment that counts and that will be the only moment that keep shows upp in our head, i lost my grandmother this year, i never really understand it would be the last moment i had with her at the hospital, i wasn't even there when she was gone. i was there after to see her dead and it was horrible to see the one with such a living soul lay there with no life at all, i thought i would never ever come back from that whole, and i am still in that whole but i could start eat and sleep again, but it's still such a hard fact that i wont ever be able to see that lovely lady again, she was my, heart, my goal, and soul! i wish her the best life ever in heaven!!!

And that may be a life fact that we actually loose people all the time, but it is not fair that those who take a surgury because they really wanna get better, that they die, and less okey when the doctor can't contoll the patient enough to really see that the patient are breathing, when my grandmother stoped breathing and the doctors had made lot's of wrong decision to remove her from the intensive care unit. she died because the doctors weren't doctors that day!!!, they took her from the ER when she really needed to be watched, i can't forgive them ever!!! i miss you Kerstin Andersson you were the love of my life!

Just found out Joke lost her grandmother we have now gone trough the same thing, and i know it's hard but try to stay strong!

Pics some new, some un-new

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