PICS sorry for not being here :)

if i get the time later this evening pics will come
From Diagnotice Murder wich i ahev not seen only a clip with wrong sound

Hello Sunshines! I miss you and this blog so very much ♥
It's time for me to stand up! stand up for this great blog about the great actress Lesley-Anne Down and not be offline so much like i've been latly :O and did you people know that the chance to be in the contest for LAD call is over, you need to wait like me now for the winner:)
Here is a very sweet and wonderful song by Sarah Brightman
I've seen the light
And I've seen the flame
And I've been this way before
And I'm sure to be this way again
For I've been refused
And I've been regained
And I've seen your eyes before
And I'm sure to see your eyes again
For I've been released
And I've been regained
And I've sung my song before
And I'm sure to sing my song again
Some people got to laugh
Some people got to cry
Some people got to make it through
By never wondering why
Some people got to sing
Some people got to sigh
Some people never see the light
Until the day they die
But I've been released
And I've been regained
And I've been this way before
And I'm sure to be this way again
One more time again
Just one more time

Here is a very sweet and wonderful song by Sarah Brightman
I've seen the light
And I've seen the flame
And I've been this way before
And I'm sure to be this way again
For I've been refused
And I've been regained
And I've seen your eyes before
And I'm sure to see your eyes again
For I've been released
And I've been regained
And I've sung my song before
And I'm sure to sing my song again
Some people got to laugh
Some people got to cry
Some people got to make it through
By never wondering why
Some people got to sing
Some people got to sigh
Some people never see the light
Until the day they die
But I've been released
And I've been regained
And I've been this way before
And I'm sure to be this way again
One more time again
Just one more time



Will write more and be more active someday sooner sorry for my awayness or what to call it xDThank you Joseph Pararea :D i found this on his FB and it was beautiful so he got pics i dont have congrats to him ;)
NEW found pics :) have deleted half of them with respect for the star :)

NEW Pics :D Guinnes World Record!



Pics from Lesley-Annes BreakThrough Upstairs Downstairs

ed to go to bed now!!!
Now to then :D
From this Young beautiful and sexy lady to this older incredible beautiful Woman :D

Lesley-Anne Down was Beautiful and still are :) Anyone would kill for a loook like that. But she dosn't just got the look, she got the big talent too of course so for those of you that still haven't seen a movie with the great and big actress it's on time to see one she have done lots of ones

Lesley-Anne Down was Beautiful and still are :) Anyone would kill for a loook like that. But she dosn't just got the look, she got the big talent too of course so for those of you that still haven't seen a movie with the great and big actress it's on time to see one she have done lots of ones
The Bold & The Beautiful in the Guinness Book of World Records

Im so very sorry for not spending so much time here on my blog like i used to, still have so much going on in life :) and i can see that the visitors have sinked very much since i stoped updating hope i will get more time soon and that the visitors start to grow again :)

A new cute pic of the amazing actress Lesley-Anne Down :D


We all had a nice chat with Lesley-Anne Down this evening in Sweden the time was 19:00-20:00 and i almost got every question answered by her. she was so lovely thank you all for joining the chat :D

We all had a nice chat with Lesley-Anne Down this evening in Sweden the time was 19:00-20:00 and i almost got every question answered by her. she was so lovely thank you all for joining the chat :D
