Hi guys!
My school starts tomorrow and i will be away as usual but this year we are thinking of buying internet fro my studenthome so soon i will nbe able to blog eveyday before bed isn't that AWESOME!!! take care everyone! and yeah my english need a bit refreshing! ><

I love U LA!!!

I lost something for a couple of days ago and for that im so sad :( i lost the game! i did my everything and did loose anyway!
And now even if im not satisfied i wanna thank Gea Vermeulen for her kindness and help with the Fanclub, LEsley-Anne Down and Gea VErmeulen and Don E Fauntleroy is working so great together! and they make our day! they pay so much attention to us fanclubmembers that it aces in our heads! THis is something other people dream of with their idols, and for us LADfans the dream has come through! We are such involved in Lesley-Annes Life that i sometimes wake up and just think a bit for myself this can't be reality?! but it is! and i think we all are wery greatful for that and a BIG THAK YOU!
From Lesley-Annes FB The two sweet ladies LEsley-Anne and Gea :D
And now even if im not satisfied i wanna thank Gea Vermeulen for her kindness and help with the Fanclub, LEsley-Anne Down and Gea VErmeulen and Don E Fauntleroy is working so great together! and they make our day! they pay so much attention to us fanclubmembers that it aces in our heads! THis is something other people dream of with their idols, and for us LADfans the dream has come through! We are such involved in Lesley-Annes Life that i sometimes wake up and just think a bit for myself this can't be reality?! but it is! and i think we all are wery greatful for that and a BIG THAK YOU!

NEW pixs



I am so busy! all the TIME!!!!! i have never time for this blog i hate you all! no i was kidding i hate MYESELF!!!!! i miss you people! Keep following this blog and i will make time!
Made by Jordan :D awesome :D

new pic from thew hunchback of notre dame :D

OMG wondeful new pics!



THIS IS MINE :D:D:D:D i bought this magasines and DVD

New pics :D and i will try to get them :D 



NEW pic :D



This one was so gorgoues i want it now!!!! I totally love that amazing new pic of LAD :O:O:O anyone that got it?????

As you all can see the blog is now up running again :D i have totally missed it so that's one of the reason why im back here, the other reason is that its way to hot to stay in side in front of the computer and that i am working and very bissy for the moment. AND YES OF COURSE I HAVE NOTICED THAT ALL MY BIG FANS HAVE LEFT MY BLOG, AND FOR THAT IM SORRY IT WAS MY FAULT THAT NEVER MADE UPDATES, BUT AS I SAID THE PAGE IS NOW UP RUNNNG AGAIN SO THAT MEANS I NEED MY VISITORS BACK :D

As you all can see the blog is now up running again :D i have totally missed it so that's one of the reason why im back here, the other reason is that its way to hot to stay in side in front of the computer and that i am working and very bissy for the moment. AND YES OF COURSE I HAVE NOTICED THAT ALL MY BIG FANS HAVE LEFT MY BLOG, AND FOR THAT IM SORRY IT WAS MY FAULT THAT NEVER MADE UPDATES, BUT AS I SAID THE PAGE IS NOW UP RUNNNG AGAIN SO THAT MEANS I NEED MY VISITORS BACK :D