New pics but not new 2010 :)

And a big pic of me ;)
And a pic of me ;D

Hi girls and boys.

So many test and schoolstuf i can't make time for this blog sorry!! i know you hate me for that!!!! will try make it up for you later on.'

The pics where from The Last day of pomeii from EBAY.com and the last one also from ebay but not from the movie. i totally love the last pic it's totally new for me, never seen it before ;D

Snow Chaos ^^

Would have been published on Tuesday ^ ^

What a week I had!

First trip from Uppsala with 677 to Norrtälje went at a snail's pace for nothing would happen wise anyway ^ ^ Just as I left Uppsala began to storm

At first I was briefly interviewed by Norrteje tidningn about what it's talking about right now, inside the bus station, I was of course interviewed x) THEN Friday or anything pops I'm probably in the newspaper for interested x)

I think the picture was entitled "ugly" gone in a snowstorm before the image was haha.

Then I sat and Malin inside the station had been generally dull o o listened to a bunch of drunks who commented on everything and everyone including me when I did not hear, they commented on my back inside the stn view all fun ^ ^. I hear it from malin when I came back after attt have been submitted to the press agency a quickie, then on the way out checked out the people certainly in gaaah!

Then I went home and the bus was pretty close to drift errors in a turn, but continued the trip went well.

When jah got home, I ran around and screamed in panic, one can say for when I peered into my beloved Rabbit's cage was the cage covered with four inches snow, I am not exaggerating!! and the rabbit lay down with the entire back covered with snow and looked to have given up in total, there were some of the scariest moments behind me had, had several hours passed, she could be dead if no one saved her, rabbits tolerate, although very cold but our rabbit is very old and her body language was definitely not hi I live = D rather hi I'm dying: O felt like life was hanging loose on one topic so the panic and stress, I got very clean cage it was FUCKING COZY: D: D: D got also be covered ...

IT WAS ORDENLTIG SNOWSTORM:-o had a major panic that 677an would not go the next morning when I had the obligatory speech: O test, test mice and skolkatalog to collect: O: O: OP

Many buses that got stuck in traffic but io of learning was sick o I could go home earlier I did not have to go when everyone else got stuck, I had been stuck lucky I did: D

night, we did not talk about! And finally i have some pics new of LAD to share ;) from Ebay.com
 I Miss you LAD!!!

Halloween Photo 2010

From Lesley-Anne Downs facebook.



I had a bad day yesterday i had to face a moment i rather died than live throuhg, but now it's all over and i never need to feel that empty again, she's gone, i miss her so much, i wish she was here with me now, i Know she is, but i would love to meet her in real life again, I miss my grandmother so deep, and to go to that horrible place again without her made the place like a hell. I didnt hate to go there until she passed away and i needed to go there myself.

this is a animation from the movie Death Wish V The face of death 

Images on LAD pregnant with Jack and her ex-husband William on the wishes of Nadege

Images on LAD pregnant with Jack and her ex-husband William on the wishes of Nadege

I don't know exactly wich pic she is carrying Jack, but i suppose she must carry him at some of the pics under. Well at least she is pregnant i hope you get satisfied anyway :) also some pics of her exhusbund sorry LAD :( Also i know you proberly meant you wanted pics from the wedding with William but i only had pics of them without marrying, i just read your mail once again, so no sorry there has not showed up any pics from the wedding yet. When i find i'll let you know and also the rest of blogfollowers, i think we all wanna see :)

 Thank you for your whises!!!

If anyone of you got imageswishes just let me know and i'll upload that kind of pics of LAD i have all kinds ;)
My E-mail:
[email protected]
where you also can concat me at facebook with.

Hope you like the pics Nadege ;) i'll keep post more of it if i find more :)
Also i let you know when i find one weddingpic because i look in every corner and this far noone has showed up sorry.. can ask her friend GEA :)

My personal blog

Hello all LaDfans i have dezided to start the blog about me again, i wont give it as much attention as this blog, but will try blog some times a week. =) please start follow both of the blogs :) i will give you the address when i ahve start it up again :)

It's just one HELL of a problem, the blog about me wont be on english im sorry for that, maybe i will try make it both on swedish and english but it takes more effort then, so maybe you can just look at the pics but i will think of it and dezide later wich languages the blog will be on.

I don't remeber how to change the design on my own blog so i will be stuck with the one i'v allready got.

New pic ♥

Hello dear LADfans how are ya?
Im fine have been shopping in Stockholm wich is a place near my home, im there a lot! i had a really nice time with my sister and friend Erik. We were there for many hours. And now im at home and will be studying, that's also one of the reasons i can't chat with you at FACEBOOK please try to understand this time it's a test that will matter a lot for my future to take care of animals. please contact me and talk to me by messages or e-mails. have a really greeat evening.  ANd btw doesnt she look gorgoues on this pic?

WHat a hectic week, but lots of fun

Hello Again sorry for delay once again, it seems like time doesn't even exsist?? well enough with the timebabbling xD on monday and thuesday that's when the blog did have a comeback i hope you all remember that ;) i gave you one hell of a big pic of LAD taking golden rose ;) On wendsway i had a friend of mine at my studenthome we eated chips for dinner 750 gram we eated, gosh look at us now we look fat xD we also made a stuiped makeup i will give you some halfnew pics of LAD and some new pics of me from the week. ON thuseday i was called in sick, i kind of was sick i had a hell of a headace allready had it the day before, and i was feeling ill and not good at all, but it was a big event that i couldn't miss so later on the day after staying in bed for a long time to feel better i went to the BUSevent /chant buschant even thought i was feeling bad :( and there was so amazing buses over the place :O and i took so many papers from all diffrent buses and that, i guess i have some reading to catch up with. BUt i had a really good time ♥ and o LOVE buses there are nice kind of cars. on friday i had to stand the tiredness and the headace and go anyway i couldnt be sick for so long, that's not my thing to not be there, i always go to school even thought im sick because i don't wanna be behind everyone with the work. and on Saturday i was at halloweenparty kind of. We really had a nice time i was dressed out as a devil ;) a kind devil ;) and a kind of sluthy devil  :O but all there was kind of slythy. :P i had some personalproblems under the halloweenparty to deal with by phone that rang all the night long , it was a ruf time but i had to pretend everything was fine and to have a good time, i was suppose to try sing but never had time to :p WELL ENOUGH WITH THE WEEKPRESENTATION LETS GET OVER TO THE PICS :) AND MORE TALKING TOMORROW OR LATER TONIGHT ;) soME OF THE BANNERS ARE MADE OF ME AND SOME OF THEM ARE MADE OF JORDAN  ♥



Lesley-Anne Down lost her cat today! Moshi. R.I.P  We pay our respect for her big loss the cat was 20 years old, and we all know how it's like to loose someone we love. She made a supportmail when my grandmother was gone and for that im so greatfull and that's also one of the reason why i wanna support her back for her loss. I hope she is in heaven now. With Lesley-Anne Downs father as she told us at her FB.  i don't hope she get's upset when i now post a pic of her beatuiful cat from her twitter.



Hi all blog readers, I have missed you enormously, and I have not just missed you, but also my own blogging. So now it's time to get up on them high horses again and get going with the popular blog for all of Lesley-Anne Down fans.

I've been thinking a bit on the blog, while I was offline, I think that the blog would be a bit more interesting if I also sent you some from my own life, you have almost no idea who is behind the blog and how my life is.
in addition to all of you who have contacted me through Facebook then! so my new project when I revive this blog is to try to share some of my own life mixed with lots of Lesley-Anne's life. I do not know if it will work, I try my way, maybe my blog to appear cluttered, or that it is difficult to discern what is about me and what's on Lesley-Anne but I make an effort and I hope that you'll like the blog as much anyway, hopefully more. and I'm not talking about the big post about my life but just give a brief bit from my days with the latest from Lesley-Anne, I like myself find it very exciting to get some facts about the person who has done something really good example, a book , you're not just interested in the book but also of the great man who wrote it.

So I could start by telling you about myself, I have probably already Gort in the earlier stage of the blog, but in the beginning, I had almost no readers at all ...
Today, many readers, even if most people chose to just read it and send thank you e-mail via email and Facebook, many have chosen not to comment on himself the blog but I respect it, maybe do not know any nor where to find the functions because it is a Swedish blog I have no idea if it is automatically translated for you as foreign fan goes onto the page. I would also like to remind all the fans out there that there is something called ARCHIVE, and there are all months that have passed since I started the blog and click to where you can see all previous posts I've written and I promise for those who missed out on my blog for some time clicking through the store where you will then be seen just as much as everyone else, and it 'is superb pictures you want to see: D °, so a few facts about me. my name is Rebecca Johansson was born in sweden in a nice, small place called Norrtälje, I study in Uppsala, 1.5 hours from my home so I am forced to the boarding house (student home) to cope with, otherwise I would have to get up really, really early plus the bus outside my house does not even match with the bus to Uppsala. but I go home on weekends to be with my family: D and my lovely pets, we have a rabbit called Rabbit, a dog called Ginny an Australian Shepherd, and two cats called Rufus and Lisa:) we live in a big old teacher housing and thrive in the countryside. I mentioned that I studied in Uppsala, but not what I'm studying to be, I'm studying for animal care, I love animals just as Lesley-Anne Down and want to take care of them in the future, perhaps in the future I am also in training for me to veterinarian but until then so I care for them only. then I have one for a profession I dream and it is to drive the bus: D I know may sound crazy, but I love the vehicle bus, instead of being interested in cars like many others, I'm extremely fascinated over the vehicle bus and its fine different colors and patterns, shapes all have. so I will be animal keeper/carer and bus driver. My biggest dream is to become an actress but I chose not to try in that area. Back to Lesley-Anne Down :D:D:D

We have missed all of the pics of her i used to post right???

OH i forgott to mention have greatfull i am for all of you fans sweet e-mails i have gotten about you loving my blog THANK you, thank you, thank you ♥♥♥ and please leave e-mails so i can contact you and thank you and things like that, i know for example i had a fan from France and i would love to anser your sweet comment :D

Amazing wonderful Lesley-Anne, im so happy to start this wonderful blog again.

It' is wonderful that so many fans of LAD were stuck with me even knowing the blog had a blackout. Thank you thank you for all of your support, and i saw all of the visitors in my list even if the blog wasn't active, that makes me strong, you are deeply true fans to LAD as i am.

Still as gorgoues and beautiful as ten years ago!!!
This is just the beginn of a edventure! i will update more this time!
Sorry guyes but you are stuck with me ;);););)

Have a goodnight!!! Hope you like the new photos, most of them are not really new, but they will be in the future!!!

TIME OFF!!! I put down the blog for a month!

I shut down the blog for a month I will now upload pictures of what I bought with Lesley-Anne Down, but since I will not update the blog spot after a month of personal problems. Hope you will continue to follow me after a month has passed for which I am willing to resume the blog, but until then I close it down, so now do not you feel that you should go in and check if I updated because I will not update the litter in November again. the blog is still there, but as I said, nothing new will show up in a while. there are problems everywhere

but here is the magasine i bought and the dvds. As you saw, that was the pages of the magasine HELLO 10 page interwju with 18 photos and cover. amazing right! it was a lot's of new pics of her i had never seen my whole life... so now lets go to the dvds:

As you saw a whole bunch of new movies with the beautiful actress. the first thing you saw was "The Perfect Wife met my expectations fully. the only thing I wanted was to Lesley-Anne Down does not play the former wife but the wife revenge xD it would have been great to see. Movie number 2: The Kings Guard "I have not seen yet just fast forward my way through and seen the beginning of the film. it seems that the role was minimal for Lesley-Anne Down, but she was the queen: D but the whole movie, I get to see later. Then movie number 3 "munchie Strikes Back", I saw it was pretty funny and good, but had even higher expectations of it but I'm happy anyway. and thought Lesley Anne would be in the movie even more but I'm happy anyway. then last but not least, "School for unclaimed girls" it was actually damn good to be old, but damn what depressing it was, it was horrible from start to finish. was not a single scene in the film, which was lucky. Rape, murder, crying, beatings, torture, death, no, my God: O but I like it a bit like a school film. I OWN OVER 30 MOVIES on DVD with her right now
amazing ha?

I wish things were easier. that you did not have to be empty like this in just one weekend, I'm flabbergasted. I will never close down the blog, I will continue to drive, but right now my life has been turned upside down o that there is nothing else to do than spend them funny things and take care of them boring. I hope you will come back to my blog in November as it will be at full speed again, hopefully more active than before.
Don't forget the blog and the great actress Lesley-Anne Down and all of her roles. her is a pic up there of almost every role she has played. GREAT, GREAT ROLES.

Never Stop watch us!
I Hope to see you some day...

NEW pic from my magasine

Im still deeply sorry about my delay, im
Im still deeply sorry about my delay... im still very busy im so sorry for that i see some of you are still stuck with me for that im happy, and those of you that have left my blog because of my bad updating, please come back to me i'll try find more time for the blog i miss all of my visitors

New pics fROM EBAY

Sorry for my delay!!!WHen i have the strenght and time back in my life i will make this blog run and becoming famous like it used to be, but right now it's so hard to find any time for it.


I will try get internet, then i will be able to make this blog running again, it seems like all my visitors are gone to xD  here is a new sweet pic of LAD ANd keep visit, i will take this blog more seruis!

I have ordered new stuffs with LAD under below you will see soem of them :) its from ebay, Disclord and etc.
 A 10 page interwju with 18 photos of LesleyAnne Down

New pics :D

North and South pics /Nord & Syd) bilder :) and others :)

Sunset Beach <333

pics from Ebay :D

Beautiful pics avaible for purchase at Ebay.Com for those of you who want those, it's just to click in on the page and buy it :=) i will soon buy lot's of things from ebay with Lesley-Anne Down 6 dvds and some magasines are my plan for now. just don' have time yet for it. I have almost bought every movie that the great actress have ever done. i will soon put up a pic of the great movie and serie collecion i háve with her <333 It is so great to collect eveything in the world with one thing you really like or adore :)

Pics from The Book of Guniess Records since Jackie and all the other caracters won the price of worlds most populary Soap opera ever made :)
I love those pics, she goes around in morningclothes thats so charming, and she looks so sweet :) wish i could spend a day with you soon :)

This is a pic i wont ever forget!! you may all know at this point in life this is the best pic ever made of LAD i have never seen a more beautiful pic than this. This was the very first pic of LAD i saw :) since i was born thats one of the reason i love it so much! ♥♥♥♥♥

wow a toTALLY NEW PIC :D from ebay :D

A amazing pic of LAD

WOW amazing new pic i totally LOVE it!

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