I will update later in the weekend!

I see the visitors are getting more again, almost every one semed to give up on my blog since i was away for that long, only 4 was sticking in the end! So i will have to tell everyone about this blog again so all 30 000 beautiful will return to my blog!

Receviced Letter from Fan Club!

I got my mails from Lesley-Anne Down fan club yesterday! Here is a pic of the wonderful Mouse Pad that i receviced! It's a bad pic of it, but i can make sure that it was sooooooo lovely! An much nicer colours in real! Beautiful, and i love that she signed it! If you wanna get a mouse pad Feel free to E-mail me on [email protected] I help you get one!!! you wont regret it! It's not exspensive at all either if the prize worries you!

Or you can connect with me on Twitter RebeccaJohansso  or Facebook

As i said the coulours are bad at this pic, it's much nicer in real life, my phonecamera suxs!

With this mousepad you don't ever have to look at the boring mouse pad you used to have on your desk! ;)

Join fan club and get signed Mouse Pad By Lesley-Anne Down

Join the Official Fan Club you will get a Lesley-Anne Down mouse pad. This Offer is for every new membership before 2011 ends! For more info click on link and read more info! You wont regret it at all!
My mouse pad is on the way, can't wait to get it!
  "Offer through 2011"

So beautiful!

Here is a new twittpic from Gea of Lesley-Anne And Gea having fun outside! Love it!!

Love to you all!

NEW pics from Gathering 2011 and Pics from Geas twitter that i love!

Here are 2 pics of Gea and Lesley-Anne Down, both are just gorgoues! can't wait to meet both of them one day! To join Lesley-Anne Downs fanclub visit this site! You wont regret it at all!!! http://www.lesleyannedown.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=24&Itemid=43

Gathering 2011 from LesleyAnneDown.com website, the gathering that i could'nt attend, hope to be able to attend next time!
Have been really, really sad for this!!!!

Have more pics to share later from fans like Vali and Jessie, Adyna, Karo and Celine, thanks for all support!


Sorry I could not update as much as I had planned to do this week on the blog, has worked both nights and days ... Has help my mom, she has done so much to me that this is the least I could do for her , Trying to update more this weekend or later, must sleep on time is left over after the job passes .... Stay in touch!
Well here is a banner made ​​some years ago for the begin of the blog!

Will try to put up lots of pics tomorrow!

See ya!

Some pics!

Hello fans to LAD and this blog! The blog is now officially BACK!!!

Hi fans! Im very happy to share the news that the blog is now back! I will continue update as much as i can, but my life is very hectic right now! I try to find jobs allt the time, and i was in a accident for a while ago...

it was late at night was out with my friends, then I went a bit lonely, a guy ran towards me and pressed me against the ground on the go, he had to much alcohol i think... I was unconscious for several minutes, then woke up with him over me and blood everywhere.. The ambulance had to get me to the hospital i was like bleeding like a pig, looked like halloween xD
i got severe concussion and many problems with it. I hurt my back and head, every since the accident that was the 4th june, i have had headache every day, so every day is a fight for me, can't do anything exhausting without getting the big pain in my head!, i hope it goes away, the doctor told me on the pit that it might take a year or more... Were allowed to visit the emergency room several times afterwards for checkups...So now you know my other reason for being away so long, have been in bed for months since that horrible day!

But i can honestly don't let this blog keep wait anymore i miss u all, and all the pics that we share with eachother!
I will keep publish new and old ones!

Also i would like us to make this much bigger, i would like you fans to keep E-mail me of suggestions of pics you would like me to share also i would love if you send me comments here on the blog or to my E-mail, i know this swedish site is difficult for u fans to understand but E-mails are good too and makes me so happy and more happy to keep share. Some fans are already E-mailing me of what they like and i always listen and publish what they like, so anything u want me to show, just e-mail me! Also if you have pics that u made or pics that u like me to share of LAD because u like those pics so much e-mail that to, and i'll put it up on the blog!

Also the blogbanner is still very gone...I'll keep look for a person that will help me get it back, since i forgot how to do it!

Many kisses and hugs!

To connect with me!:
Or My E-mail: [email protected]

Blogg will return soon!

This week or next, my blog will have comeback, i cant find out how to get the Blogbanner back, it's so gone, and im not the one who put it there the first time, so still need to find help for that, my point was to wait with the blog til i had the banner back, but i don't see any point with wainting and waiting, when it can take like forever! So i will make comeback soon! Hopefully allready in the week, if not, next week! :D LesleyAnneDown.blogg.se


Soon i will plan for my comeback here on the blog, i just still want to find help so the banner of the blog can return, then i will contiune with the blog!

Svenskt inlägg....

Skriver nu ett svenskt inlägg som bara ni svenska fans kan läsa, min blogglogga försvann i o med att den satt fast via en annan blogg som sedan tog bort bilden, jag försöker klura på hur jag får dit den igen, ngn som vet? har verkligen glömt hur jag gjorde när jag startade bloggen!!! Vill oxå Tacka alla som följer mig här!!!!! Ni för goa som följer mig varjde dag trots mitt blogguppehåll :D ♥

Kommer oxå starta upp min personliga blogg om mig själv igen när jag väl börjar uppdatera denna igen ;) många förfrågningar om att jag ska starta upp den igen! Lovar ni får bägge bloggarna åter snart igen !:D


I just LOVE this photo of lovely LAD


I was in a accident so now i severe concussion and cant be in front of computer more than some minutes of a day... Also my computer is temporary dead, so when all is fine with me and computer this blog will have a comeback, i have SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much pics to share! =D

I love all of u visitors that always visit even if i haven't updated

New pics! the blog is still down i just felt share 2!

I miss Haren ♥

NEW PICS!! i HAVE seen most of them before but maybe u haven't!

Im still in grief for Haren, but i wanted to share anyway!

I lost my angel Haren, she's in Heaven now.. ='( ♥♥♥ R.I.P

Hi! Just wanted to share the tradgic news that made the delay... I lost my dear bunny Haren, Haren is in heaven now, all familymembers were around until she took her last breath! She was 10 and her body gave up, she's with Kurre now ♥ rest in peace my baby you will always be my miracle! ♥ She was very, very old to be a rabbit, and that shows how great we have raised her, my poor sweet baby!!! Her body started to crash on 20 april 2011 and on 21 april we decided to let her go, because we didn't want it to goo worser wich would mean she would suffer before die. It was a horrible decicison, i love her with all my heart, she meant life for me. It's like i can't and don't even know how to live a life without her. My dog means that much too me to. I got Haren when i was 9,5 years old and today im 20, it's a lifetime.. And i have been so sad so this blog will have a break for now, cause i need time to grief ='( have lot's of new pics, but ï'll share some of them by the group i started on Facebook "Lesley-Anne Down "The queen of films and soaps" so u can see more there until im ready to share much again on this blog.. ill let u know when i update again. I miss my bunny so, so much!!!!Please pay some thoughts or RIP for her!!! by comments, it means so much for me and Haren!!! ♥♥♥ 
The pic says:
Our lovely
Haren Lillharen Johansson
31 december 2001 
Has today i
n great grief and loss has left us
Norrtälje 22 april 2011
Rosanna and Kristian
Johanna Josefin
Sven-Erik Kerstin´
friends and family.
Loved Missed
The funeral takes place in the circle of the next

OMG THE most beautiful pic of Lesley-Anne EVER!!!

I just found the most beautiful pic of Lesley-Anne Down i have ever seen, my whole life!!!! she is so damn cute, that even i would love and like to kiss her ;D ♥ GORGOUES!!!!! This is such a model!!!!!
She looks like an angel ♥♥♥ My angel!!!

NEW pics found by Vail! ♥

To connect with me!!! and my blog and group for LAD

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