Keep support LAD! She is lovely!

From swedish magasine!

OMG we can't wait to see the new film!!!

Blog is back! But updates may be more less for a while!

Hello everyone the blog is back, since many love this blog so much with all the lovely photos of LesleyAnne i choosen to let the blog continue! But since i have a new job, and lots of things are going on in my personal life at the moment, i need to tell you that the updates may be more less for some days different weeks! So if the updates takes a while you all know why, but the blog is still on for you guys! Also the ones that follows thís blog that i'm friend of on twitter, i miss to tweet much with you but my new job is at some nights wich means i have to sleep at the days, and when i work early morning i have to go and sleep earlie so it's kind of hard right now to find time for twitter when you are online! But i hope we all can chat more soon, i see you all write so much and i feel so outside when i can be online and also join all the talks more often =( ! But i hope you all remembers me lol!

This is from Lesley-Annes new movie Of god and kings! She is sure a beauty and the hair looks brilliant as always!

And a lovely photo from B&B

Happpy Birthday my lovely Lesley-Anne Down!

Happy Bday most Lovely, Talented, Beautiful & Amazing actress I ever known! My wonderful friend & 4ever my LADy LAD LOVE YOU!!! Lesley-Anne Down

Hi! Great news! The blog will be back 20 mars!

Lots of photos will  come...

I couldnt resist update about this news!!! Lesley-Anne will be ina new movie!!!

LesleyAnneDownblog is down!

Lesley-Anne Down blog, my facebook, twitter and E-mail is temporarily down due to personal reasons! You can still follow and still contact me at all of the sites and e-mails but my answers might take a while to come! I don't know for how long maybe only a week maybe two! Love you all! xoxo

Lesley-Anne Down 17 years old!

Hello everyone!

Hope u all had a wonderful weekend! The coming two weeks will be very busy, i have a new job that will steal lots of time, but i will of course try update as much as i can! My new job is at Nobina (buses) in Norrtälje i will fix them before they will be out in traffic! I'm very happy for the job, i like buses! This photo is beautiful don't you think? I made it! Also some new photos found by Vali to enjoy!

Have a great weekend!

Will be away the whole weekend so no updates sorry! Hope u all get a fab weekend!! xoxo I bought his magasine personally signed from LesleyAnne Down from, go look for amazing things in the store!!

Last episode on B&B aired last night with Lesley-Anne Down

In America the last episode with Lesley-Anne Down (Jackie) aired! Fans are so sad including me!!! In sweden we have some more episodes with her to enjoy! If you wanna read why it's the LAST with LAD let me know i have details!

Happy Birthday to Gea the runner or LesleyAnneDown.Com!

A very happy birthday to Gea Vermeulen the President of The Official Lesley-Anne Down page and FanClub!

Articles from Australian Soap magasine!

The making of a famous face & a paper doll!

I have this paperdoll with Lesley-Anne Down as Georgina Worsley! Very beautiful!

Lesley-Anne Downs twitteraccount!

I'm back!!!

Hello everyone, thank you all for visiting even tho the blog was down for a week! Now it's back! I just got home, very tired so i will only give you some articles i found through Team_LAD, Vali and Gea before i will go to bed, will tell you more about the trip later next week! Also wow so many are so upset over all the kicks of all great actors from B&B what is going on???? The creator of the show, magasines, the net everyone dealing with this have gotten bunch of complains from all the viewers and fans, their plan was to get more young viewers, what they did was loose all the old... and no new viewers....wich end up in no viewers at all! 4 have been kicked of the show over just 3 weeks?! Jackie (Lesley-Anne Down), Owen (Brandon Beemer), Nick (Jack Wagner), Bridget (Ashley Jones) but she left earlier... why they are kicked read about that earlier on my blog, it's not cuz of their talent! But as so many have said, it's not a problem for Lesley-Anne to join another show, she is very talented and many have asked for her to join their films and soaps, it's Lesley-Anne that has turned the roles down....But now she finally can use her talent into something even better, when she finally has the time to join something new, but one thing for all to remember, NO B&B without Lesley-Anne Down (Jackie) So all LesleyAnneDownfans have just left the show! Bradley Bell you did great huh?
No not at all, have not heard a single fan that likes what B&B did with the four characters, and he will keep kick more, get rid of all the cast and only bring in new boring ones that people don't even care about! Huge talks over the net is on about what show people want LAD to join, i heard Desperate Housewife is the one people want her most on,,,,,,
Hugs to all!

Blog is currently down! Time 4 trip goodbye sweeties!

Time to go...Will visit Uppsala, meet two people that also loves buses like i do, will be fun have only met one of them before! Then i will sleep over at my friends house before we leave tomorrow morning! Hope i have my legs and arms left after the trip!
Anyway i thought i should share some photos since i got tweets and E-mails from fans wishing me to upload a bunch of photos before leaving! Much of them i've shared back in time! Hope u all like them! Byebye! Blog is currently down!

Blog is currently down....

Blog is temporarily closed down .. Will be away next week,probably without internet, I would like to thank all followers for your kind words and your visit! without you, my blog would not exist! I will be back online with photos and stories week 9!
I got tradgic news yesterday that made me shake for hours! My sweet friend gave birth to a beautiful boy three weeks ago, the boy died on Valentineday, every since i heard the news, i have thought about it ever second,,, it's so tradgic can't find words for it! My thoguhts goes to the parents! They have been waiting for this for 9 happy months, it was like the best thing that had ever happen to both of them in a very long time, and then this? 3 weeks is not even a life! So untrue to watch all photos and realize we never had the chance to even see him grow up! I followed the babystroy from begin til end...I have so few friends that have babys so this was kind of the first i was totally involved with! Rest in peace Maxemilland only three weeks old! ='( :'( It was not my baby but the way the whole story went i can't get it out of my head! It makes me so sad, 2 death in one month one left it always comes in three... Anyway i think it's for the best the blog is down for a week i have to feel better again after all tradgic news from everyone latly, i have some very good news too but i share them when i'm better! Have a great time! Will miss you all but one week is not long right? ;) anyway i will be on twitter at nights: @Rebeccajohansso follow me there!

Rest in peace Maxemillian we will miss you!!! And thoughts for L & M!!!

Happy Valentines day to Lesley-Anne Down and all her fans!

This banner is made by me for Don and Lesley-Anne and all her fans! I made it a year ago! Hope you all like it! ♥♥♥ True love! ♥♥♥

And my valentine is as last year spent all alone at home! :'( I'm so sad....No actually i'm not, of course it could have been nice having someone, but i have my dog lol and she is all i need for the moment! ♥♥♥ My dearest Ginny! ♥♥♥

Lesley-Anne Down rocks! but all her fans are so amazing for their hard work and support for the actress day in, day out, so i want to wish all my LADfriends the very best valentine! ♥♥♥ Love you all and of course our LADy, did you hear she can now join whatever show she want's on television, just keep write to every show you want LAD in and then we will see... I would LOVE, FREAKING LOVE her to join Grey's Anatomy or Desperate Housewifes! ;D

R.I.P Whitney Huoston! All my thoughts 2 her family and friends!

The first thing in the morning was the tradgic devastating news about our lovely Whintey Huoston and for me it feels even more close since mother and i some years ago was going to see her live but never did something came up!! Will miss her!

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