
Hello everyone, the LesleyAnneDownblogg takes weekend! Have an amazing weekend! I will go to Gävle through Uppsala tomorrow and proberly be there all weekend! Shall i take my helmet with?! No lot's of fun this weekend tooo! Last time i had an amazing time on a cruise with my friends!

Godnight everyone! And for all fans a totally amazing photo of LAD! Love every photo from this session every since it first appeared in a swedish magasine on LADS 50-birthday

My very first autograph!

I have a little story about this sweet and amazingly beautiful photo of Lesley-Anne Down....
I mailed an address with Lesley-Anne i found on the internet when i was very little, wrote so many letters but never receviced anything back! Until one day, when mum said:
- Rebecca, you have a letter from Lesley-Anne Down....
I was like OMG, you are lying!!! But when i came home i had a letter from Lesley-Anne, of course it was allready opend because my family couldn't keep their hands of it when they saw the address it came from lol! Anyway i opend the letter and got this lovely photo, i saw it was black and white but said like 100 times to myself, this is a true autograph, my mind wanted it so badly to be real! But then one week went and i got two more letters from Lesley-Anne and it was two more of this photo and they all was ecaxtly the same...they were all copys from the real....I was happy for the photos cuz at the time i didn't own any photo at all or autograph from her! Until one day when i was much older i joined Lesley-Anne Down Fan Club and got real photos with real autographs! WOW they were all different and so much more real, but i love all my photos with LAD even those here, actually this photo is one of the most beautiful i've ever own!! Her hair iS perfect and she looks amazing!

Stockholmtour today!!

Hi all, today we went to Natural History National Museum in Stockholm with Väddö college! We looked at several exhibitions of animals, body, man and various natural! Body exhibit is my favorite, you walk through a big mouth on a man and then you come to mass body parts with fun games and exercises, you can take blood pressure, you get to test witness an assault, and then testify, then you get to test your hearing, smell, sight and touch, so cool all, and I love the body and such, they had a big heart who was in the room very cool!! have been there when I was little and have missed it and today i finally saw the room again!!! they also have a small dark room that you go through without see something and feel the walls of different things, i have never been afraid walking thorugh that room or been firghtned to the things i feel on the wall, but today, my mind shocked me a bit...I've been scared since an incident I experienced outdoors in the dark, so even though I already knew about the room and there was nothing scary in there so congealed blood of horror and I panicked to be in there and felt like an eternity to come out....even if it only took a minute to get out of there... I must face my fear of darkness and what may be in it .... SHall i see a shrink for that lol?

Anyway now i'm back home and the dog is watching every move i take, dreaming of attention from me, so tomorrow i will be with her the whole day when i'm home off from study! also i will go and swim!

News about Lesley-Anne Down: i don't have any...Keep support her that's all i have to say! Keep join my group u can find the link earlier on the blog and sign the petition and go visit LesleyAnneDown.com for more info how to help us save LAD from this! Lesley-Anne Down is so sweet to all her fans! if there was a prize for best caring actress she would definitly win it!!!

I was suppose to Watch Rosewood Lane now that my brother gave me but i see it in the morning instead, to tired!

Some new photos of our LAD:


1981 Press Photo Actress Lesley-Anne Down & Actor Bruce Robinson


Lesley-Anne has so many fans through B&B so let's share some BBpics...

The lost characters... =(

Goodnight everyone more from The Bold And The Beautiful will come tomorrow, have to go to sleep now, early morning tomorrow to Stockholm with Väddö Folkhögskola! We will watch a movie and and watch a lot of exhibitions at the museum! Will be fun i think... I have not done so much today! Goodnight!

I'm so down today!

I'm sad can't tell u what it is, but i'm very sad! Had a great day but at the end horrible news came to me, but that's all i can say! How has your day been? I went to Uppsala today for job and a meet with my friend! Had a great time! also my favouritebus came that i have been running for the whole summer lol! Very cold in sweden still, but Uppsala did now have as much snow as Norrtälje, looked like summer with coldness in Uppsala! WEIRD! Now i am going to sleep or something take care everyone! Also this is one of my bad days again with the headache from accident, i always knows when it's from the accident, it's way much stronger than the usual!

Some Articles for you to read...This two articles have ALWAYS been my favourites!

OMG i'm the winner of this weekends giveaway North & South Book 2

Is'nt this perfect the same week as my birhtday i win this lovely show by John Jakes "North And South" Thank You Team_LAD! And when i mention Team_LAD i want to ask you all to follow TEAM_LAD on twitter to support Lesley-Anne Down! We all wants to belong!! Follow RebeccaJohansso (me) and Team_LAD on twitter!

I think this week is just great!
* On my birthday Lesley-Anne wrote me, she really cares for everyone of her fans!

* And then i got the news i'm one of the 5 winner of the contest by Lesley&Gea for signed photo after describing the best scene from The Bold And The Beautiful, wonder who the other lucky winners are... Gosh i'm so happy that i won that conest!!!

* Then i also got my birthdaycard from Gea & Lesley-Anne Down with the winningphoto! So beautiful birthdaycard as ALWAYS!!! Join Lesley-Anne Down Fan Club!!! For info contact me... and i LOVED the winningphoto!!

* And yesterday i won North and South Book 2, last weeks giveaway thorugh Team_LAD! Lovely! 

I think in my "LesleyAnneDownWorld" i could not have had a better birthdayweek lol! =D

Goodmorning everyone!

How has the weekend been so far? I must say i have had a lovely weekend as far...My parents are away and all my sisters and brothers are home and they all have one friend over here or boyfriend, and we have been watching movies, talking and laughing all weekend together in the livingroom, so cosy!!! and my sister has been making beautiful and tasty dinnes everyday now...The only one withouth a friend invited is me but on the other hand i felt like being alone with the pets! Did u know i'm babysitting for a dwarf hamster this weekend haha, my sister had one over here and she wrote to me: I have a friend for you to babysitt this weekend lol! She knows im such a petlover hah! Yeah and yesterday we was out for drinks and a bit of party but the coldness outside was HORRIBLE, we had -22 degrees totally crazy!!! I almost felt like i was frezzing to death, was so cosy to be back home and get into bed! I'm sorting out the maps with Lesley-Anne Down from my computer so in future a lots of oldies will show up on the blog that may not exsist anymore on the internet...
Love you all, and i really love all sweet comments, tweets, E-mails and Fbmessages i get about how much apprecieated this blog is, it makes the work on it sooo soo fun! xoxo

Jackie and Owens goodbye...

I never, ever saw this clip, no one ever gave it to me lol, asked around, but now i have and it's so sad! is anything harder than goodbyes? I love the scene where Owen remembers the moments they shared together....with the sad but beautiful music.....its beautiful but tradgic!!! A beautiful goodbye!



Bring Lesley-Anne Down, Jack Wagner, Brandon Beemer back 2 the show!!!

I wanna thank you ALL for the sweetest birthdaymessages! MADE MY DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I had a kind of boring birthday if i shall be honest, but the party will come later with bigger cake and more people, all were so busy on my birhtday it was hard to even try make it great! will let you all hear about that when it's near! Looking forward for the real birthdayparty! ;D
Also Lesley-Anne Down wrote Happy Birhtday to me, she really is the sweetest! Keep support her the best you can, she really needs all support she can get right now, they kicked the whole family "Marones" on The Bold And The beautiful to hire younger characters, they think more young viewers will come, they are wrong, Bradley Bell is WRONG, they will loose all old viewers and not get new, you see we from 1900 we like action in doing not talking, thats what Bradley Bell forgot to think about! also more BBcharacters will keep get fired all to get new viewers, doesn't matter if the older characters and actors/actresses are the most famous or talented they have to kick them anyway to get younger viewers! Jack Wagner, Lesley-Anne Down, Ashley Jones and Brandom Beemer they were all GREAT and very appreciated by all the fans and BB but BB still thinks that if they fire those and get young new, it will get even more popular hahaha! Makes me wanna laugh a bit....why was BB in Guines World Record book when they had all those actors still in the show? BECAUSE THEY WERE GREAT!!! people wanted to watch, Now they will loose all their oldies day after day, year after year!
Keep join my group on fb:  http://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/168972716544727/
And sign the petition: http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/a-contract-renewal-for-lesley-anne-down-on-the/
Or write Gea Vermeulen: [email protected]

The first released clips with Lesley-Anne Down from movie by Victor Salva "Rosewood Lane"

The first ones off contract, more will go soon... Seem like Bradley Bell is going to tear all families apart...But who knows what will happen next...


And here is some amazing photos avaible for purchase ebay!


The one and only Lesley-Anne Down, this is still the most beautiful photo ever taken of LAD in history!

Today it's my birthday!

Today it should be about Lesley-Anne Down, but still it's more about me, because it's my birthday, so please pay some more attention for me lol! x) Thank you all for following, will try update more soon!
I hope for a great birthday with my family and friends and of course all my pets! Love you!

My friend Jordon made this for me a couple of years ago, love it!

Lesley-Anne Down leaves The Bold And The Beautiful! No renewing contract!

Lesley-Anne Down leaves The Bold And The Beautiful! Bradley Bell wrote her of contract!

This weekend was hatched new rumors of Lesley-Anne Down's personal website to Bradley Bell decided to write to Lesley-Anne from the contract, her contract was not renewed, the rumor has now become very large and several web sites for great discussions, very many upset and shaken fans around the world, Lesley-Anne has chosen to go out more about this later, but is optimistic on the whole...."When one door closes, another opens", you could quote from the website! This is not totally unexspected, recently Brandon Beemer who played with Lesley-Anne Down and also was very famous in the show, was also off contract, seems right now like B&B removes all the maincaracters that was with from the start and lots of totally new and young actresses and actors are now joining the show and totally destrioing the old "B&B... If B&B keeps this way, the show will hit end..

My personal thoughts about this is: OMG you might find someone younger and newer, but hello?????? You will never find a better SoapOperaDramaQueem than the one and only Lesley-Anne Down, very famous from lots of huge soaps! I'm in such a shock i've been overthinking about this for days! I could proberly make a whole novel out of this on my blog, because i really have huge and upset/angry thoughts about this!!!! But i have to go now, so lets save that for next time... Anyway this is very horrible! If you wannat join and help Bradley Bell understand what he really just did, write him an e-mail with your thoughts about him taking Lesley-Anne off contract!!! Please help us! The more, the better chanse to win the queen back to the show! No B&B without or LOvely LAD!  Also look at this video of memories with LAD as Jackie in B&B! and join the group to make Lesley-Anne come back to the show, the group is just made for us to show Bradley how important Jacki is to us!!!, so joins will come when it's spread! Tell your friends to also join this group, we have to show Bradley what he just did!  Here is Email/adress Joke found, you can write to..
And write to Bradley Bell for more storylines for LAD.
Bradley Bell
7800 Beverly Boulevard #3371
Los Angeles, CA 90036


JOIN THIS GROUP IF YOU WANT JACKIE BACK!!! "Bring Lesley-Anne Down our "Jackie" Back to The Bold And The Beautiful!!!"


This following photos, belongs to different pages...

It's goodbye to both these caracters!

Blog takes early weekend Will be in Gavle this weekend!

Will visit Skutskär / Gavle this weekend that will start pretty early for me this week, Will be gone on a cruise and have fun all weekend! The blog will not be updated any, have a good weekend everyone will speak with you and seen on Monday when the blog is back again! Love Ya!

From a swedish magasine!

Banners MADE BY ME!!!

New article from LesleyAnneDown.Com

From a magasine!

The blog has a totally new look!

What u think? Please E-mail me at [email protected] or twitter: RebeccaJohansso or my FB! I really hope you all like it, i know it can look a bit messy but i think it's cool! :D But i know some of you complained earlier about the text, harder to read, tell me if it's still hard... Remember this blog is for Lesley-Anne Down and all her loyal fans from all around the world! The banner in the middle of the header is made by Jordon, she is great on making those pics! Her banners are so great, i had to have it as a header on my blog! :) I put the beautiful Oliviaphoto on each side of the banner!

blog is under reconstruction

blog is under reconstruction, next time i will make the blog with banners/header and background from The bold and the beautiful! PLEASE E-mail me ur thoughts about the new look, is it good or bad? [email protected] or twitter: Rebeccajohansso

Has received several requests for more Swedish articles on the blog, here are some I have!

Hello everyone! i Have received
several requests for more Swedish articles on the blog, here are just a few from my Swedish collection, The quality are very bad!!! I just took quick photos, so i'll photo them again one day with better quality!

I think this article under is soooo very beautiful!!!

This is funny, because Lesley-Anne was offered the role in James Bond 3 times, she turned the rols down, but they took pics of her here anyway xD it's like 12 pics of her!

Hope you all enjoyed the photos! More from Swedish magasines will come another day....

New article from Gea's Twitter!

Here is some photos!...

Hello everyone! How are you? What is for the weekend? I will visit my dad and have a really cozy weekend! Here is a photo from North and South with Lesley-Anne Down and James Read!


Here is the first photos to come, more will come later!

1989 Press Photo Lesley Anne Down Shivers

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